How to overcome common obstacles in couples therapy

Couples therapy might be an appropriate solution if you’re struggling in your relationship. Working with a qualified couple therapist can help enhance common obstacles the satisfaction of your connection and lead to greater fulfillment within the bond.

Couples counseling can be daunting. Sharing one’s deepest emotions with another person can feel awkward and embarrassing. At Calmerry relationship counselor, you’ll always be matched with a licensed therapist in your state who has undergone rigorous training and certification in clinical psychology, mari and family therapy (LMFT), clinical social work (LCSW/LMSW) or licensed professional counseling (LPC). Each holds either an advanced degree (doctorate or master’s), relevant to their field of work; qualified and recognized by their state’s professional board after completing necessary studies, tests and practice).

Couples counseling should always be an open and honest conversation if you want to improve your relationship. Your therapist will be able to best help you by understanding your emotions and goals.

What to Say During common obstacles Couple Counseling

Empathize with your emotions honestly and openly. Communication is the best way to solve problems: communicate honestly.

Be honest with your therapist about what you hope to get out of therapy. You may be surprised to learn that they don’t understand exactly what you need or how to obtain it.

Examine how the difficulties in your relationship have affected you. Your partner may not realize it, but communicating openly with either your partner or therapist can help move forward.

Couple Therapy: Common Obstacles

Sometimes, there may be roadblocks in your relationship. With couples therapy, however, you can overcome these difficulties and reap its many rewards; including:

  • Increased relationship satisfaction
  • Better conflict resolution techniques
  • Effective communication
  • Problem-solving abilities to deal with life’s inevitable events
  • Flexible expectations.
  • Though you may think therapy will solve your partner’s issues or undo past wrongs, it’s time to be more realistic with your expectations.
  • Therapists cannot fix either you or your partner; you must seek other solutions for resolution.
  • Demanding immediate change from your partner isn’t reasonable. Instead, look at it as a long-term commitment.

Refusal to accept Your Role

Relationship problems often stem from observable behavioral patterns. As the saying goes, it takes two to tango.

Keep Your Secrets confidential

Secret-keeping can impede the growth of a deeper relationship with your significant other. Therapy that you share can cause irreparable harm to the relationship and hinder its progress. Protect against potential obstacles
Keep secrets to yourself until someone asks for them or they reveal them to you privately

Hidden problems or challenges could include:

  • Infidelity
  • Addiction
  • Doubts about the relationship
  • Divergence in big issues such as religion or family planning
  • Don’t ignore what you have learned; put into practice what you have learned

When you don’t observe any progress, it can be tempting to get discouraged. Sometimes this lack of progress is due to not applying the skills or suggestions your therapist provided you.

Expert therapists can teach you evidence-based methods, but unless they’re applied and you don’t give up, you might not see the desired outcomes.

Are you more of a complainer or solution-focused individual?

It can be easy to become so frustrated with wanting changes that you complain, nag, or demand they take place. These behaviors can stall your growth process.

It may be more efficient to find ways to collaborate as a group and come up with creative solutions than complaining about nothing. This is an effective method for resolving conflicts and disagreements.